Business in SA
The future sustainability of the economy of South Africa largely rests on the shoulders of entrepreneurs. The
entrepreneurial spirit of South Africans, aids in job creation meets business and consumers needs and improves
the lives of all South Africans. For these reasons, Dell identifies and supports viable small business initiatives
Private Partnerships with Universities
TSiBA offers emerging leaders an opportunity to study an enriched Bachelor of Business Administration degree that is focused on Entrepreneurship and Leadershi
Private Partnerships
Dell believes in providing individuals and communities with programs that support educational and digital inclusion.
Public Partnership
Different communities in South Africa require different types of support and assistance. Dell has a broad-based approach
to assisting these communities by focusing not only on literacy but on health as well.
Brescia House School
Investment: Seven Dell Laptops
Dell attended a handover at Brescia House where we donated seven laptops to seven of Brescia’s bursary students.