Heritage Day Celebrations
The local Johannesburg team celebrated Heritage Day with an annual lunch. All dressed in their cultural attire the team shared food, traditions, beliefs, and laughs and had lots of fun. From delicacies like maponi worms and chicken feet from the Venda and Zulu people and curries and savouries from India to delicious rissoles from Portugal, not forgetting our very own biltong.
Heritage Day is a South African public holiday previously known as Shaka Day after the Zulu king, King Shaka Zulu. It was later changed to Heritage Day in 1996 in an address by former President Nelson Mandela. Celebrated on 24 September, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.
With 11 official languages, South Africa is rich in culture, tradition and diversity. Thank you to all the amazing people who make this a great nation. Happy Heritage Day!